

Tim Burton at the MoMA

The boss and I took a well-earned office half-day-out and went to see the Tim Burton exhibition. It was a cacophony of characters, colors, and conceptual wizardry. I didn’t know too much about Burtons past work but I left feeling like I got an insight into his crazy mind. It was amazing seeing the childrens books he submitted for publication when he was still at school, his graduation animation project and his first videos - my favorite was a commercial for Hollywood chewing gum [watch it here]. His poetry was also much wittier than I thought it would be, but the funniest thing was watching the security guard scream at people who were taking photos, he’d systematically grab unsuspecting offenders and frog march them to the exit. I’m well practiced at the art of sneaky photography so I took photos of course. Apart from the fact that the boss spent the whole time standing in the middle of the room miserably answering emails I think he enjoyed the exhibition too. We then went to see the Picasso exhibit but it was dead boring after seeing Edward Scissorhands costumes.