Photos: Sandy Edit
It has taken a 12hr flight to Hawaii for me to have the time to edit the photos I took over Hurricane Sandy. It was such a strange week; I was trapped in Montauk - usually a lie I save for my bosses - but this time there were no buses, trains or cars leaving. The Napeague stretch was breached, for a short time making us an island, something that hasn't happened since 1938. There was no gas at the gas stations left and my house had no power or water. The only place I could find with internet was the local pub, the Shagwong, and after having one disgusting cup of tea there I was relegated to drinking shandy at 10am. Did I mention there wasn't even good surf? I know. Disaster. I did however have all my old cameras with me and some deadstock film, so here are the results of the day driving around until it got so scary I couldn't open my car door without thinking it was going to get ripped off the car.