My 2023 (Work) Year in Review
I wanted to post a few work thoughts about 2023. Yes, it’s Jan 12, but you all know how seriously the Brits take their holidays…
I directed commercials, trivia shows, cab confessionals, tech documentaries, TikTok videos, and more. To supplement my income I got my OUPV captain’s license, creative-directed for a fashion brand, wrote commercial treatments, hand-painted signs for a cider mill, took product photos, moderated some film panels, and rode horses at the oldest ranch in America. Oh, I also got paid to DJ a dog’s birthday party. And you’ll likely know I spent two weeks in December doing stand-up comedy Open Mics in NYC. Which was insanely terrifying. And, spoiler alert, that wasn’t even the craziest ending to the year. I went back to Blighty and went drag hunting. No foxes were harmed, obviously. But I did break four bones in my back.
2023 — what a wild ride.